What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

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What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

Postby Devotional Sex » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:54 am

Imagine if there was a pill that your partner would willingly take which for a week turns them into your eager and happy 'sex slave'. For this week they will always feel slightly aroused, and as soon as there is the possibility of activity they will quickly become very aroused. This pill also makes them eager to do whatever you wish. It also prevents them from having an orgasm until the last night of the week. They retain enough body sense to be able to say no to anything which would be damaging, but otherwise they are eager to please you. If you are single then imagine having a friend be willing to do this with you.

This post considers what a female is likely to have happen. If you are female, what would you do? If you are male, what do you think your partner would do? And for all, what do you think other women would do?

The previous post, HERE, asked what a male would do if his partner willingly took the 'sex slave' pill. Unfortunately, two days after posting this I've not received any replies. So for now the only thing I have to go on is my guess. It's never too late to have your say on what you would do and what you think most men would do.

So what would most women do if their partner willingly took this pill?

Rather than having to guess as I had to for men, I'm the one person in the world who doesn't need to guess. This is because I have data from over a hundred women who have had the opportunity to explore a very similar dynamic. No prizes for guessing that the very similar dynamic is Devotional Sex.

With Devotional Sex the man agrees to not ejaculate for a week (or longer). This quickly builds his erotic energy so that he always feels slightly aroused, and if there is the possibility of activity he quickly gets hard. To be her Knight he also agrees to fulfill all her sexual (and sensual) wishes. And with his built up erotic energy he becomes keen to do most activities. This is very close to what the imaginary pill would do if a man were to take it.

There is one big difference between the pill and Devotional Sex, and that will be a key part of the third and final post in the series. But for now the answers to my many surveys about what couples do when practicing Devotional Sex enables me to say what is likely to happen if a women had a partner who willingly took the 'sex slave' pill.

The first key finding is that what happens has huge variation. For every activity which most women enjoy lots of, there are some women who decide to not do this at all or not do it very often. And for every activity that most women don't have happen or do so not very often, there are some women who enjoy that activity often.

But though there is huge variation, the data shows that there is a clear overall picture.

Because she can start and stop an activity whenever she wishes, and what happens during a session is up to her, a major change from what used to happen when the couple had sex is that now there are lots more sessions of sexual activity each week. For some this might be going from once a week or less up to three or four times a week. For others it can go up to having ten or more sessions each week.

The length of the sessions will vary significantly, with some sessions maybe only ten minutes or so, and the longest session of the week can even last for over an hour.

For most couples having sex is almost always foreplay followed by intercourse, with intercourse being the activity which they spend the most time doing. When her partner has taken the 'sex slave' pill (or they are doing Devotional Sex), most sessions of activity don't include intercourse. And about 20% of women (across all ages) decide that intercourse won't happen at all. So most sessions turn a foreplay activity into the main event.

Having a man who is always eager to please her in the way she wishes enables her to reach her orgasmic potential. So most women enjoy more or many more orgasms than before, with some having seven or more each week.

The activity which most women decide to enjoy the most is receiving oral sex. This can be one activity amongst many in a long session. Many women also love to enjoy some sessions where her receiving oral sex and having an orgasm is the only activity. With an eager man her receiving oral lasts for as long as she wishes, so she can enjoy some quick kisses, have most kisses last 20 minutes or so, and even enjoy some much longer kisses.

How much she has him use his hand to pleasure her is up to her. Some women enjoy lots of this, and others think that as they can have him use his mouth whenever they wish, why have him use his hand?

Most women decide that they won't give him any oral sex, or if they do it will be just short treats. A few enjoy being able to have him in their mouths whenever they wish.

Every activity is now done the way she wishes. She can still have things fairly or very active when she wishes, but overall things become slower, more sensual, and last for much longer. So the sexual activity moves away from the active (visually appealing to anyone watching) style of porn, to something slower and more connected (and visually boring to most porn viewers).

I've only talked about conventional vanilla sexual practices because I've not heard from any women who have used their control to move into activities which appear in porn far more than real-life (eg anal sex, him ejaculating on her face, choking, rougher sex, etc). But there is one new thing which does become common ...

As he is always eager for activity, many women enjoy spending some time together where she is dressed and she has him be naked. Given his erotic energy, this will include times of him being fully erect. This is done without her dominating him or humiliating him - it's not kinky but a celebration of their dynamic and of his desire for her. I've never been able to find a video on a porn site which captures this non-kinky dynamic. (This is called Affirmation within Devotional Sex.)

If it's the woman who takes the 'sex slave' pill, then I think it is fairly easy for a man to jump into exploring the new world which her having taken the pill enables. Some women can also quickly move into exploring the new world which arises when their partner is the one who becomes the eager sex slave.

But the standard ways of having sex can be so established in some women's minds that it can take time for her to adjust to the new possibilities and to be able to relax and enjoy pleasures which are new to her.

It would be great if some female readers reply with how they would enjoy having a man for a week who has taken the pill. Do you think that what I've said above is what most women would do? And for male readers, what do you think your partner would like?

My next, and final post in this series will look at taking what we imagine would happen when either he or she takes the 'sex slave' pill into the real-world where there is no such pill.

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Re: What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

Postby Byrdie » Thu Apr 18, 2024 7:45 am

One of the things I realized a few months ago is that a lot of the sex I'd been having was attempting to rush towards "the good parts" rather than have any build-up. I remembered learning about Masters and Johnson's presentation of "the arousal plateau" decades ago and realized that with my better former parters that was research conducted early in the relationship, as though to gain familiarity with a body while waiting for the point where they could skip all that.

I wanted that back. I even tried to negotiate for it in a subsequent entanglement to ... mixed results.

So I think I would start there. Being tended to in a bubble bath, a nice, long oil massage, and then being brought to that plateau without initially concentrating on the default areas. Instead, my neck, shoulders, and back. I think I'd also throw in spooning and devotional cuddles immediately afterwards. On subsequent days we'd progress to oral sex (a pleasure kiss) as an addition to - at the very least - exploration of my erogenous zones. If I was pleased, I'd reciprocate briefly before cuddles.
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Re: What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:49 am

The fun thing for this thought experiment is that women can have fun imagining what THEY would do. Someone else may give them some great ideas which will change their minds, but the right answer is whatever they feel is right for them!
I think I'd also throw in spooning ...

By this do you mean intercourse in the spooning position or just a cuddle in this position?

Over the years I developed what I've recently decided to call my DevS Initiation Ceremony.

The Initiation Ceremony is just a set of structured activities which once completed will have both know how Devotional Sex works, and most importantly, FEEL that their role is real.

With the Ceremony she never touches him and his only touching of her is to give her a foot massage. Also she stays fully clothed.

When the Ceremony is over what happens next is totally up to the Princess - she has a new world to explore at her leisure.

The person introducing Devotional Sex to the other knows where things can go. But each step only happens when the person learning about DevS decides that the step will happen. So each step is fully consensual.

For the person who knows where things might go, it's the reality of experiencing each step which creates all the feelings which eventually have them feel their role is real. So at the end of the ceremony both know how DevS works, and have had an experience which makes their role feel very real to them.

Ideally time is taken to enjoy each step of the ceremony, so the whole thing will take an hour or longer.

I'll post about this one day.

For the new Princesses who decide to continue with some activity once the ceremony is over, what I've found is that most like to go to bed for a cuddle, with him wearing underpants the whole time, and the only sexual activity being several Pleasure Kisses.

Most don't even touch me over my underpants that first night. The women love having a man eager to pleasure them without having to reciprocate, and to make the most of this change decide not to touch me. Though perhaps they still don't feel fully confident that if they do touch me then things are expected to develop further.

When it is a woman introducing DevS to a man, I think a man brand new to DevS would need a Devotional Cuddle at the end.

When we see each other many more times it has always worked for me for Joy (intercourse) not to happen until many sessions without have happened without Joy. First Joy then feels incredibly special, and it's also become our norm that sessions can be very fulfilling without Joy, thus making Joy an option for the Princess for every future session.

The full back and body massages, baths together, etc happen a bit later on rather than with first encounters.

But when it's clearly not going to be a relationship, then as Devotional Friends, the Princess can decide to always focus more on sensual pleasures rather than sexual.

Conventional first dating tends to be rather conventional in what happens. With DevS it is a whole new world of possibilities. What fun!
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Re: What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

Postby Byrdie » Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:37 pm

Devotional Sex wrote:By this do you mean intercourse in the spooning position or just a cuddle in this position?

Cuddling! I meant cuddling! :shock:

Over the years I developed what I've recently decided to call my DevS Initiation Ceremony.

The Initiation Ceremony is just a set of structured activities which once completed will have both know how Devotional Sex works, and most importantly, FEEL that their role is real.

With the Ceremony she never touches him and his only touching of her is to give her a foot massage. Also she stays fully clothed.

I actually got one a little over a week ago at a mixer. It was lovely! There'd been a short class on how to give a foot rub, and it was that person's first time doing so. I didn't realize that I was going to be a stunt model, but in retrospect I was pleased to take that one for the team.

The full back and body massages, baths together, etc happen a bit later on rather than with first encounters.

If someone has taken a "sex slave" pill for me, I'm getting my massage. Perhaps with a sheet draping for the sake of modesty, but the massage shall happen promptly. 8-)
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Re: What would a female do with an eager 'sex slave'?

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:55 pm

If someone has taken a "sex slave" pill for me, I'm getting my massage. Perhaps with a sheet draping for the sake of modesty, but the massage shall happen promptly. 8-)

With the 'sex slave' pill then by definition you can get whatever you wish!!

The next post in the 'sex pill' series is how to get either scenario (the male fantasy or the female fantasy) to happen in real life. I must write that post soonish! The obvious place I was leading to is that the female fantasy can almost happen with DevS.

The main change from the 'sex pill' is that with DevS she has to keep him equally happy. So with DevS the Princess needs to create a flow of activities where the massage fits in naturally and it becomes part of HIS overall enjoyment of what happens.

One possibility is that if you lead a willing male through the Initiation Ceremony (which gives you about an hour of enjoying a foot massage) then once you get to the ceremony part completed you take him to the bedroom and have him give you the massage before anything else happens. Once he is your Knight for the session then his arousal is fun for you both, so you may enjoy allowing him to see your body whilst only being allowed to give you a massage on your non-sexual parts. From then there are lots of possibilities ....
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