What to put into a dating profile if you want to do DevS

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What to put into a dating profile if you want to do DevS

Postby Devotional Sex » Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:06 pm

A forum member suggested:
Might you consider providing a sort of template example of a dating profile a single man or woman interested in practicing DevS might use? I think a profile needs to be worded very carefully and correctly explaining some of the nuances of DevS to spark a curiosity to explore the possibilities; rather than instinctively dismiss the idea, by someone who is searching through profiles.

What to put into a dating profile if you want to date using Devotional Sex also applies if you meet someone in real-life, so this topic is really about how to first introduce the idea of DevS to someone new.

How to go about this is a personal decision which has to feel right for you. Then you need to be flexible after first contact and feed information when they wish (which may be earlier than you otherwise would or later). So treat this discussion as info on which to base your decision.

The approach you take has to match the rest of that dating site.

There are two ways to start DevS - Devotional Dating and Devotional Friends.

If you are not looking for a relationship, or like the idea of DevS with someone but don't want a relationship with them, then you tell them about Devotional Friendships. This is something which never goes all the way.

If you are only looking for a relationship then you won't want to date someone unless you both have enough in common for a relationship to be a possibility. So here the focus of your profile is finding a relationship.

Note that it can take some people a long time to find a relationship, so a date which fails to head in that direction, but has some mutual attraction, can lead, if both wish, to a Devotional Friendship.

What I think is best is to have only a few lines in your dating profile which makes clear the sort of thing you are wanting. When it's a female looking for a date then the words become an effective way of putting off the many men who won't even consider DevS. But even here I think just a few lines can be enough to do the trick.

Devotional Sex, even just Devotional Friends, requires some attraction and connection, trust, and mutual respect. I think it's only possible to judge this from a real-life meeting. So the aims of my profiles have always been to attract those who might be interested in me and a short marketing overview of DevS, and to quickly meet them in real-life. A public place where we can talk.

Because DevS enables activities to start very quickly (because things only go as far as both wish), it works well to meet near your place or theirs.

I've found that it is very easy for a man to introduce a women to DevS.

With normal dating she is used to men trying to get as far as they can, that many men focus on their pleasure, and that once it gets to a certain stage his ejaculation is expected.

Introducing DevS he tells her he enjoys pleasuring her, that he gives her control to decide what happens, that he never ejaculates when just dating, and that he doesn't want intercourse until he gets to know her much better. Now this is all very strange and different, but for her it takes all the pressure and expectations of a normal date away.

When she wants a man to date using DevS it is much harder to get the man to agree. She is basically saying to him that he can enjoy some sensual and erotic activity with her but that he had to do as she says, no intercourse, and he can't ejacualte.

For introducing either a man or woman to DevS there are two ways of proceeding:

The first it to have it all explained before you have any physical contact. But here it can be hard for them to comprehend something so different. They have no idea how this will feel for them and whether or not they will enjoy it.

The other way, which I've found very effective, is to explain most of it as you are moving towards actually doing it.

I know from lots of experience that doing it this way can work very well when a man introduces this to a female.

I suspect that it will also work when a female introduces it to a man. The reason is that he starts to feel the dynamic as things progress.

The tell them about it as you move further into works very well because it only goes as far as the new person wishes to go. This means that at the end both have enjoyed what has happened, be it very little or a brand new adventure.

So the starting point of this is what to say in your profile or when you chat someone up in real-life.

I'll write some examples in my next post (which may be tomorrow). In the meantime I welcome any comments or discussion about the first draft above.

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