Is DevS win-win or a compromise with neither happy?

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Is DevS win-win or a compromise with neither happy?

Postby Devotional Sex » Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:42 am

I just read an article which included:
the trap that “compromise means no one’s happy”

I think this trap is common when one person wants something and the other doesn't want this.

Of course Devotional Sex may be something that one person never wants to do - so I'm not saying that DevS is for everyone. But I think DevS can be something which is a genuine win-win for many couples.

One example would be a couple where he would like much more sexual activity, but she doesn't want this as they don't enjoy the way sex is done. Or it could be her who would like more sex but not just more of the same.

Another example is when he wants kink and domination whilst this is something which does nothing for her up to something she strongly dislikes. Here Devotional Sex enables him to devote himself to her and have times of feeling that he is very much hers, whilst she can enjoy sex, intimacy and fun the way she wishes.

This is just a quick post to capture this idea. Further discussion or questions are welcome.

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