Dev. Friends is very different from Dev. Dating

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Dev. Friends is very different from Dev. Dating

Postby Devotional Sex » Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:56 pm

Devotional Dating is when both are open to exploring this becoming a romantic relationship. Even on a first date and with using DevS the feel and what is done will be different from Devotional Friends. As they date more then more sexual activities are added. If things keep going well the couple add Joy to their possible activities. And the next big step for the couple is for their Devotional Dating (he never ejaculates when with her) moves into a Devotional Relationship (he now only ever ejaculates when with her and when she decides).

With Devotional Dating the couple engage in the full range of activities (sexual pleasures, intimacy, sensual, and erotic fun). What happens is a full package aimed at meeting the needs of both as much as possible.

Devotional Friends is when both have agreed that they won't form a relationship, that both can see other people if they wish, and either can end the Devotional Friendship whenever they wish and this won't be an emotional burden to the other.

With Devotional Friends she chooses what activities will happen. As there is no expectation that this dynamic will be a full package, she may keep things limited to the few she initially chose to enjoy.

The dynamic with Devotional Friends is different from dating as there is no romantic relationship. So she can use her control in a way which might not feel right if done with a romantic partner. She can treat her Knight as someone there to please her as he isn't her romantic partner.

A Devotional Friendship can be practiced with a real friend, but if you are seeing someone mainly for the Devotional activities, then 'friend' means mutual respect and not only wanting to enjoy this for yourself but wanting your friend to enjoy the experience.

If he doesn't find the limited activities she has happen enough to want to continue, then he ends the friendship. For example if he is mainly wanting sexual activity but she concentrates on sensual and intimate activities, they won't be a good match.

It's possible that two Devotional Friends will start to have feeling for each other, and thus decide to move to Devotional Dating.

When meeting someone for a date and hoping to find a partner you may instantly know that a relationship won't happen. But you may both be interested in exploring a Devotional Friendship. Also it may only become clear that a relationship won't happen after a few dates with Devotional Dating, and if you could move to a Devotional Friendship.

Real life is more complex than this. But one benefit of thinking it should be one or the other is that this makes clear relationship status and so isn't one person leading on the other.

When Devotional Dating I've had a few times where I've taken my date through foot massage, Affirmation (me naked), Display, more foot massage, then to bed (with her having me put my underpants back on), and in bed cuddles, Pleasure Kisses (giving her oral), orgasms for her, and ending without her ever touching my underpants.

With Dating I expect things to progress, so next time she touches me. But if we went on as Friends then she could keep things as they were the first time if that is what she prefered.

A woman can have a Devotional Friend who never sees her naked, yet she has him Affirmed all the time they are together. Another might often take her Knight to bed but this is only to enjoy a cuddle, and no sexual activity ever happens. None of these would be enjoyed by a Knight if that was all that happened each time during Devotional Dating, but he may be very happy to enjoy these activities with a Devotional Friends as it's far better than nothing.

This is a quick first draft. I welcome any questions, comments, or suggested improvements.

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