Is 'Exaltation' unique to Devotional Sex?

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Is 'Exaltation' unique to Devotional Sex?

Postby Devotional Sex » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:09 am

Exaltation is when a man directs his high erotic energy when sex ends without him Climaxing into an emotional orgasm of intimacy and connection.

Of course if this is experienced outside of DevS it won't be called Exaltation as that's the name I've given it. So my question is whether or not this experience happens outside of DevS.

Another topic asks if the Devotional Cuddle is unique to DevS. A Devotional Cuddle is a cuddle during which she holds his erection. Most sessions of DevS end without him ejaculating, so with DevS it is usual to enjoy a Devotional Cuddle once the sexual activity ends.

During this post-activity Devotional Cuddle over half of the Knights who are living DevS (ie always practice it) don't feel any frustration, but they do feel intense intimacy and connection. (Most of the rest feel relaxed intimacy and connection.)

When his energy is very high her ending activity and moving to a Devotional Cuddle makes clear to him that activity has ended and he can suddenly strongly feel that though his body wants to ejaculate this isn't going to happen. This emotional energy could be directed to frustration, but with DevS it is moved into surrender to his role and to intense intimacy and connection.

An orgasm is a release of sexual energy. The Knight's acceptance that he won't ejaculate is like an emotional release of this energy. This can be very intense and is like an emotional orgasm. It's a powerful and special feeling, and I felt it deserved the name Exaltation.

Note that a Knight learns to manage his energy, and so often or even usually he may not have this burst of energy and so not have Exaltation and instead go straight to the intense intimacy and connection phase. As they cuddle his energy calms and he moves to relaxed intimacy and connection.

So does Exaltation happen outside of DevS?

With Tao and Tantra the man learns to calm his energy to such an extent that when sex ends he feels he has had enough. It's only because DevS has the man deliberately keep his energy higher than with Toa and Tantra that he can have Exaltation.

Also with Toa and Tantra it's the couple who decide to end sex, and in practice this may often be the male initiating the end. Exaltation requires sex to end when he is very aroused, and to have him feel that realization that he won't ejaculate even though his body really wishes. So her having the control to end sex when she wishes, even when he is really aroused, is another part of what enables Exaltation.

Her having control happens with Female Domination. But as I say in the post about Devotional Cuddles, with FemDom there is a focus on the kink - domination, submission, denial, and this is very different from a focus on intimacy and connection.

Karezza is about the male avoiding very high sexual arousal, and after the longer sessions of Karezza the male will usually feel that he has had enough. With the current form of Karezza, which I call NoFap Karezza, there is a focus on the male being the leader of all sexual activity and so he will usually keep going until HE has had enough. So again Exaltation won't happen.

So does Exaltation happen outside of DevS? In my 30 years of writing about DevS I've not yet come across another technique having something similar. If you know of a case please reply to this post!

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