A powerful bond which is important for your relationship

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A powerful bond which is important for your relationship

Postby Devotional Sex » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:44 am

Your sexlife is part of your relationship. But what is its importance to your overall relationship?

Does your sexlife form an powerful bond between you both, or is it just sex, or is it something you would rather not do? Amazingly with Devotional Sex most couples who live this way feel that this not only has practicing DevS formed a powerful bond between them but that it has become an important part of their relationship as well.

During a Season of Devotional Sex both know that the Knight will not ejaculate until his Princess decides. When Living Devotional Sex the Knight will NEVER ejaculate without her say. As he has committed to have far fewer ejaculations than before, each Season will last many days (depending on age and experience it could be 5 days all the way up to 21).

In my orgasm survey I asked how the Princess and the Knight felt about this. Was it:
a part of Devotional Sex but they didn't think about this very much,
a powerful sexual bond (but it doesn't add depth to the relationship),
a very powerful bond between them that is now an important part of their relationship.

Most of those who are living DevS and answered this survey have been living DevS for over a year, with some for many years, so the result wouldn't be mainly the thrill of the new but how DevS effected couples in the long term.

It's worth noting that when I add a question to a survey I never know what the result will be. Perhaps for most DevS is just something sexual and either not thought about much or something which creates a sexual bond but no more.

The results amazed me:
94% of the Knights who live DevS said it formed a very powerful bond between them which is now an important part of their relationship.
86% of the Princesses felt the same.

84% of couples had them BOTH feeling this way.

So DevS is much more than just better sex which happens more often. It's much more than just her having many more orgasms. And it's much more than just him enjoying this sexual dynamic. It becomes part of who you are as a couple, and adds depth to your whole relationship.

As always I welcome any comments or questions.

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