What would a male do with an eager sex 'slave'?

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What would a male do with an eager sex 'slave'?

Postby Devotional Sex » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:32 am

This is part one of a thought experiment.

Imagine if there was a pill that your partner would willingly take which for a week turns them into your eager and happy sex 'slave'. For this week they will always feel slightly aroused, and as soon as there is the possibility of activity they will quickly become very aroused. This pill also makes them eager to do whatever you wish. It also prevents them from having an orgasm until the last night of the week. They retain enough body sense to be able to say no to anything which would be damaging, but otherwise they are eager to please you. If you are single then imagine having a friend be willing to do this with you.

This post considers what a male is likely to have happen. If you are male, what would you do? If you are female, what do you think your partner would do? And for all, what do you think other men would do?

As you might have guessed, a following post will examine what a female would do if they gave the same pill to a willing male.

I'm sure that if lots of males told us what they would do during this week of having an eager sex slave then we would get a wide range of answers. I suspect that these would fall into different groupings. And some of these groupings would have lots of men, and some groups very few.

I wish I knew a magic word that I could put here which resulted in an urge in the reader to have their say, and so I then get lots of responses. Unfortunately I don't know such a word yet, and so even though hundreds will read this post, I'll be lucky to get a few replies.

It would be great to hear what you (or you think your partner) would do. But if writing this is too personal, please feel free to respond with "I think most men would ...".

As I may be the only one willing to give an opinion, here are my first thoughts of what would happen if a typical male had a partner/friend who was willing to take this pill ....

Perhaps the cliche activity for when the pill first takes effect is for him to sit down, have her stand in front of him, tell her to undress, then have her kneel in front of him and give him a blow job.

I think there would be a splitting into groups. One group are those men who recognise that they have a whole week in which to explore, and that part of this will have to be managing their own energy ie if they ejaculate too quickly or too often they won't have the energy to enjoy the whole week. The other group will be those who don't think of the long term and immediately jump into enjoying their eager sex slave.

What he has happen will be a mixing of three categories:

1 - Activities which you normally do, but now happening as often as he wants and lasting as long as he wants.

2 - Activities which only happen sometimes or for just short amounts of time. So, for example, if he usually doesn't get oral sex, or when it happens it's quick, now he can enjoy it as much as he wishes.

3 - Fantasies which he has never done with his partner or only tried a few times (and she wasn't into it).

My guess is that most men will think most about the possibilities of doing new fantasies, then about getting much more of things that don't happen often, and not think that much about doing their usual activities other than it can now happen more often.

For the activities which he usually and sometimes does the pill now makes her eager to do this in the way he wishes. So a big change might be how things are done.

So how are things likely to change and what is most likely to be the source of his fantasies?

For the majority of men I think they will be wanting to do things they way they see in porn, and their fantasies will be to be able to do things that they have seen in porn but never had their partner keen to do before.

In another forum a man wrote "I'm only allowed to make love with my wife. I'm not allowed to have real sex."

So for most men I think the pill will enable them to experience and enjoy what many/most men think of as 'real sex'.

The extent to which the men inspired by porn go will vary significantly - some will only want to go a little in this direction, and maybe only a few will want to go all the way to very rough sex / extreme sex. I also suspect that what happens will vary between young and old, but I think the porn inspiration will apply across all ages for most.

I would love to hear from some men who would use the pill to explore more porn style sex to know what they would do.

BUT not all men will want to head of in the standard porn direction. It would also be wonderful to hear from any men who would have a very different week from that inspired by porn.

As I said earlier I would love to know what you think most men would do. Do you agree with me that most men would be inspired by porn? If not, what do you think most would do?

In a few days I'll create a post for discussing what women are likely to do if they have a partner who willingly takes this pill. But first I hope for some feedback on likely male behaviour.

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