What do I mean by "Devotion"?

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What do I mean by "Devotion"?

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:18 am

I discovered what I now call Devotional Sex in 1999. By late 2003 I knew that what I was doing was different from other techniques, and that it worked really well both in a relationship and with dating. I had chosen to use 'Princess' to describe her role, and 'Knight' to describe his role. What I didn't have was a name for this new technique.

On October 18, 2003, during a long beach walk, I was pondering possible names. When I thought of Devotional Sex I instantly knew that this was perfect.

So what did I mean by 'devotion'?

Devotion is having a strong commitment to care about what your partner is thinking and feeling, and wanting them to be very or extremely happy with all that happens. This isn't just about sexual and sensual pleasures but also enhancing intimacy and connection.

Devotional Sex isn't just the Knight being devoted to his Princess. Equally important is that a Princess is devoted to her Knight.

For some, particularly men, sex is about what activities are done and how THEY think and feel about each. With Devotional Sex the Knight focuses on how his Princess thinks and feels.

His Princess can use Wish Words to start an activity and to say when it will end. And she may sometimes give little instructions for how she wants him to do an activity. But the vast majority of him best pleasuring her comes from him being in tune with her thoughts and feelings and him altering what he does for it to be what she wants at each moment.

A big benefit for him of focussing on her is that it becomes much more enjoyable to give her pleasure. So him pleasuring her becomes a mutual pleasure.

Though her first commitment is to 'exploit' her control to enhance HER sensual and sexual pleasures, this is balanced by her second commitment which is to keep him equally happy.

So her devotion to him means that she also pays attention to his thoughts and feelings. Devotional Sex isn't about her dominating him or it being only her pleasure which counts. A big component of her enjoying her role is that she enjoys his desire and eagerness to be her Knight.

A time when the mutual Devotional can feel most powerful is during the Devotional Cuddle after activity ends. This enables him to have high energy and to direct it into feeling strong intimacy and connection. This is a pleasure unique to Devotional Sex.

Ending the activity this way is also special for her as she enjoys his energy and desire for her, and the intimacy of this special cuddle.

As always any questions or comments are very welcome.

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Devotional Sex
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