Orgasm Survey Results - a young couple from Australia

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Orgasm Survey Results - a young couple from Australia

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:42 am

Though few post, many couples are happy to fill out some of my surveys. This is what one young couple from Australia told me.

He is 18-27. It was his idea to try Devotional Sex and she was willing to give it a go. The results is that they now Live DevS (ie always practice it), and they expect to continue to do so.

As his Princess she now enjoys many more orgasms than before - two or more a day!

She gets most of her orgasms from having him use his fingers. (Only 4.4% of women who live DevS said that there most common way or reaching orgams was from his fingers. So this is a great example of a Princess doing what works best for her.) Her next most common way of having an orgasm his from receiving oral sex.

The fact that her Knight will only ejaculate when she decides is felt by her as a very powerful bond between them which is now an important part of their relationship.

Her biggest benefit isn't all the orgasms, but having better sex (ie what happens before an orgasm). (This suggests that they take time to enjoy lots of other activities before she has him use his hand to bring her to climax.)

Overall she says she is extremely happy.

As her Knight he now only ejaculates about every 7 days (which is about what I recommend for a man of his age). He would like to cum much more often and she would prefer him to be able to last much longer.

She decides not only when he will cum, but how. The most common way is by his hand, and the second most common way is from anal play.

After she ends sexual activity she USUALLY gives him a Devotional Cuddle (holding his erection as they cuddle) but sometimes just a cuddle. Afterwards he feels both intimacy and some frustration.

Analysing my data I recently discovered that it makes a big difference to a Knight between always getting a Devotional Cuddle and usually getting one. Those who always get a Devotional Cuddle are much less likely to feel frustrated, and much more likely to enjoy powerful intimacy and connection afterwards.

That he has given her control over when he can ejacualte is felt by him as a powerful bond as well.

His biggest benefit is giving her a better sex life and more orgasms, and overall he is also extremely happy.

That he wants to cum for the last few days of his Season adds energy to their dynamic, and this extra energy can be what takes his overall happiness from very happy to extremely happy.

This could have told others about Devotional Sex, but so far no-one has decided to give it a go.

To have a better picture of what they enjoy they would have had to fill out several other surveys. I would love to know, for example, whether or not Affirmation is a big part of their out of bedroom activity. But I'm very thankful that they shared this with us.

As always, comments or questions are very welcome.

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Re: Orgasm Survey Results - a young couple from Australia

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:49 pm

I wish this couple a long and happy future together. But I found myself thinking of what they would both do if they did one day break up and both started dating again and then found new partners.

Of course one option is that though they had enjoyed Devotional Sex they could be happy to go back to conventional sex.

But I think if very likely that they would now find conventional sex boring and unsatisfying. It would not only be sexualy unfulfilling but the extra intimacy and connection which arises from Devotional Sex would also be missed.

In a survey comment a Princess wrote "Once a Knight, always a Knight", and I know that is how I feel. Fortunately I discovered that introducing a new date to Devotional Sex works incredibly well.

Unfortunately it is probably more difficult for a women to get a new date to try Devotional Sex. But if, right from the very beginning, she makes this the condition for them starting intimacy, there will be men who will be willing to give it a go.

Thus another way that Devotional Sex will spread is from those who have practiced it, and then later broken up, taking this into their future dating and relationships.
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