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What happens after sexual activity ends?

Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:33 am

With Devotional Sex he usually doesn't ejaculate at the end of a session. Thus he wants activity to last as long as possible. To balance this his Princess decides when activity will end.

When in bed, and there is no need to quickly get up, what happens in the ten or so minutes after she ends activity, and how does this change how he feels?

My recommendation with Devotional Sex is that the couple enjoy a Devotional Cuddle. This is a cuddle where she holds his erection as they cuddle. This isn't her actively playing with him. She just holds him with perhaps a few movements. This is actually very tantric as it is all about energy exchange.

My Orgasm Survey tells me what happens with 127 couples who are living Devotional Sex (ie always doing it). It also tells me how the Knight feels afterwards.

My big surprise is that there is a big difference between always having a Devotional Cuddle afterwards compared to usually doing so.

So let's look at the figures:

69% of couples who filled out the survey always or usually have a Devotional Cuddle.

26% of couples usually have just cuddle. This isn't my recommendation. But that so many of those who did the survey do just cuddle is great for this analysis as we can see the difference between them and those who do have Devotional Cuddles.

When the Knight afterwards only gets to enjoy a cuddle:
45% feel intense intimacy, 27% relaxed intimacy, and 27% feel both intimacy and frustration.

When the Knight afterwards ALWAYS gets to enjoy a Devotional Cuddle:
71% feel intense intimacy, 16% relaxed intimacy, and only 12% feel some frustration.

So him always getting a Devotional Cuddle significantly reduces frustration as 88% only feel intimacy.

Him feeling some frustration can make her feel in control and him feel submissive (or neglected!), so clearly him always getting a Devotional Cuddle is wonderful for building and maintaining intimacy and connection.

40% of the women living Devotional Sex enjoy seven or more orgasms each week (mainly or all from oral sex). Not surprisingly, when asked their biggest benefit of DevS, some say having lots of orgasms. But this is only picked by 23%. For most women who enjoy lots or orgasms they have another key benefit. 55% say that their biggest benefit is the increased intimacy and connection and thus a better relationship.

So him feeling just intimacy with a Devotional Cuddle is not only something most women enjoy, but it leads to the biggest benefit from this lifestyle for over half the women.

Now for the surprising result.

When the Knight afterwards only USUALLY gets to enjoy a Devotional Cuddle:
47% feel intense intimacy, 21% relaxed intimacy, and 32% intimacy and frustration.

Even though he is usually getting a Devotional Cuddle, these results are fairly similar to what happens when the couple just cuddle. In fact he is slightly more likely to feel some frustration. What is happening here?

My guess is that it's all due to him sometimes not getting a Devotional Cuddle and him not knowing what will happen at the end of each session.

Clearly when he usually gets a Devotional Cuddle but misses out he is likely to feel some frustration. And this time the frustration comes from missing out on what usually happens.

There is also a really significant difference at the intimacy end. When he always gets a Devotional Cuddle the Knight knows that if his energy is high when she ends activity that this energy will be accepted and enjoyed by his Princess when she takes hold of his erection. Thus he allows his energy to stay high, and 71% have high energy at the end compared to only 47% when he only usually gets a Devotional Cuddle.

When he feels intense intimacy and connection afterwards he is able to ride this energy and experience bursts of what I can best describe as a mental orgasm of intimacy and connection. I call this Exaltation. This is the strongest builder of intimacy and connection which leads to not just better sex for both but to a better overall relationship.

The figures make clear that there is a big benefit to him and her if she always gives him a Devotional Cuddle.

As always I welcome and questions, comments, or discussion.

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Re: What happens after sexual activity ends?

Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:36 am

Devotional Sex is rather different from all other systems where he doesn't ejaculate at the end of the activity.

With Tantra and Tao the man has calm energy so that at the end he feels he has had enough. So just a cuddle is suitable conclusion.

With a FLR it's all about him making her happy and I suspect that most women in a FLR would feel that holding his erection afterwards is changing things to be about him.

With FemDom many men get excited by her denying him at the end. So ending with a Devotional Cuddle which is all about intimacy takes away the kinky edge he craves.

With NoFap when sex happens it is him in control and seems to be long sessions of intercourse. So he ends it when he has had enough. So again I don't think Devotional Cuddles would happen in this situation.

(I'm very happy to get corrected about any of this. Getting information about what most couples do after sexual activity ends is incredibly difficult.)

This leads to think that Exaltation (which requires him to be very energized afterwards and her to give him a Devotional Cuddle) is a pleasure unique to Devotional Sex.
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