The benefits of Devotional Sex for a man

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The benefits of Devotional Sex for a man

Postby Devotional Sex » Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:47 am

The Overview for Him has still not be published. Describing his role is easy. And I've got a good draft of the benefits for him if he becomes her Knight. But what takes time is the bulk of the document which will explain how each of these benefits arise from Devotional Sex.

Devotional Sex has the man commit to having far fewer ejaculations and to fulfill all his partner's sensual and sexual wishes. It's easy to see how a woman can use this to create a wonderful sex life for her. But I've had a few people ask me how this could benefit him. So I've decided to post my 2021 draft of the benefits for him (which will eventually be the start of the Overview for Him).

The benefits for a man of practicing Devotional Sex include -

Better sex:
    builds and maintains erotic energy so you are much more eager for sex than before,
    many more sessions of sexual activity each week,
    some sessions last much longer than before,
    receiving sexual pleasures becomes much more intense and pleasurable,
    ejaculations are much more powerful and pleasurable, and
    an exciting sex life.
New sexual pleasures:
    sexual activity becomes much more connected,
    it is usually slower and more sensual (a step towards Tantric Sex),
    you focus on the pleasures of each moment rather than thinking ahead (Mindful Sex),
    giving sexual pleasures becomes as enjoyable for you as it is for her to receive,
    additional sessions (of perhaps just one activity) for just a few minutes in between the longer sessions,
    experiencing intense 'emotional orgasms' of intimacy and connection,
    enjoying being aroused and erect far, far more than before,
    being greeted by her being very wet the first time you touch her sex each session,
    feeling relaxed erotic energy as a constant life force without which life would feel flat,
    you never need to hold back feeling desire and being aroused, and
    if addicted to porn your focus moves back to real-life sexual pleasures with your partner.
You enjoy and are proud that you give your partner such a wonderful sex life by:
    making sex (what happens before orgasms) so much better for her that her sexuality ignites, and
    enabling her to reach her orgasmic potential.
Erotic and sensual intimacy:
    enjoying lots of erotic cuddles in bed,
    enjoying giving your partner sensual pleasures (such as massages), and
    celebrating erotic energy and arousal as part of life outside the bedroom.
A better relationship:
    building and maintaining intimacy and connection,
    increased affection (holding hands, kissing, etc),
    feeling a powerful bond which becomes an important part of the relationship,
    better communication in all other aspects of the relationship,
    all of which leads to a much better overall relationship.
Combine all of the above and love blooms!

And when used to reignite a long-term relationship, practicing Devotional Sex can feel like a long lasting second honeymoon.

The benefits listed above are not fantasy. They are a reality for most couples who practice Devotional Sex!

I welcome any comments or questions.

Feel welcome to ask how any of the above benefits arise. And if you practice Devotional Sex please let me know if I've left out any benefits for him.

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Devotional Sex
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Re: The benefits of Devotional Sex for a man

Postby RevSir » Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:27 am

I would add an extra benefit - particularly for those in low sex relationships - (using a broad definition of 'sex') sex happens more often instead of infrequently.
Life's good - better connection, more sexual and sensual activities - why live any other way.
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