Devotional Companions (taking DevS for singles further)

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Devotional Companions (taking DevS for singles further)

Postby Devotional Sex » Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:24 am

Yesterday I decided to add the option of Devotional Companions for singles who have a well established Devotional Friendship and wish to take things further.

With a Devotional Friendship he commits to fulfill her sensual and sexual wishes (within what he is willing to do) whenever they are together. He also commits to never ejaculating when with her and that things will never go as far as Joy (intercourse). This opens up a new world for her to explore which is very different from other types of casual sex.

Devotional Companions takes things further towards what happens in a Devotional Relationship. If she wishes she can now include Joy in their activities, and if she wishes she can now occasionally have her Knight ejaculate when with her. The sexual bond between them is also made more powerful, especially for him, as to become her Companion he has to give her some control over his ejaculations when they are not together.

To give the Princess flexibility and to ensure that the extra control remains fun for her, she decides how the extra control will work.

At the least this could be her setting how many days charge she wishes her Knight to have when the meet, and setting how many days he must refrain from ejaculating after their encounter. This, for her, can be 'set and forget'.

At the most she may enjoy taking full control and, like with a Devotional Relationship, he commits to only ever ejaculate when she decides. With a Companion many, most, or even all of his ejaculations may happen when he is alone.

Of course they only become Devotional Companions if both agree to the conditions. So there may be some negotiation.

So a Devotional Companionship creates a much stronger sexual bond between the Princess and her Knight. The dynamic and the activities are likely to be different from what happens in a Devotional Relationship as Companions are not in a romantic relationship.

It will be fun to write about the many ways a Princess can enjoy life with a Devotional Companion. That's to come.

This post is just to introduce this new concept, and to seek feedback, comments, and questions.

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Devotional Sex
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