The news, new pages, and major updates for 2013 were:
December 9: Living Devotional Sex - When Devotional Sex becomes your normal - A Real Two Months of Living Devotional Sex:
This page lists the activities for each day over a two month period
about 15 years ago when I was about 40 and living with my first
Rest of the year: Most of my effort during 2013 was writing my Photo Blog, and the Forum also had bursts of activity.
Because I feared that Tumblr
may one day decide to no longer publish explicit content, I spent a lot
of time manually making a copy of my Tumblr onto this website.
Tumblr is very good for people to follow new posts, but it isn't good
for going back in time (as the page numbers keep changing). As my old
photo blog posts are read more on this website than they are on Tumblr
this work hasn't been a waste of time even if my Tumblr stays in
Unfortunately very litte was done this year to the main website. I hope to do much better in 2014.