Questions and What do you want to know more about?

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Questions and What do you want to know more about?

Postby Devotional Sex » Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:05 pm

At the moment I'm spending most of my effort on writing an eBook about Devotional Sex.

Thus I'm not posting much on the forum, giving the impression that the forum is quieter than usual.

I can combine forum writing with eBook writing though.

If you have a question, then that is likely to be something which should be answered in the eBook. So ask away, and I'll write the first draft of the answer for the eBook and post it to the forum.

Similarly if there an area of interest which is not covered on the website, or needs expansion, let me know, and I'll do that bit of eBook writing first and post to the forum.

You can reply here with your question or area of interest. When I answer I'll start a new topic for my reply.

Note this post is not within the Members Only part of the forum, and thus can be read by anyone who visits the forum. Forum members who don't want to post so publically can post within the private part of the forum or send me a Message.

I look forward to finding out what people want to know!
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Question about being affirmed

Postby probichaud » Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:26 am

I would be interested in knowing more from this group of members what their feelings are on being told to Reveal or being affirmed. Things like how often does your Princess exercise this wish upon you and for how long. Do you find she spends more time touching your nude body?
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Re: Questions and What do you want to know more about?

Postby Devotional Sex » Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:31 pm

Few people who practice DevS join the forum, and most who join never post or only post a few times. So the forum will only give a few examples of how Devotees enjoy Affirmation and how often.

But hundreds of couples have answered my Affirmation Survey, and so if you scroll though the responses you will find out both what most couples do and the huge variation. Forum MEMBERS can read all the Affirmation Survey results HERE.

As time went on I added more and more questions to the survey. So if you look at the last page of survey responses you will find out much more about each couple. Perhaps then browse backwards to next read the 2nd last page.

Most Devotee couples find that Affirmation is one of the things which makes DevS special. Unlike CFNM BDSM fantasies, a Knight doesn't feel humilated but PROUD to be her Knight - and pride is the opposite of humiliation. Of course an Affirmed Knight does feel very much hers and he is always aware of his sexualized nudity.

Affirmation only takes off when it becomes something that the Princess enjoys. It may take time for a new Princess to become comfortable enough with the dynamic for Affirmation to become fun and relaxing for her.

Many couples, because of her choice or lack of privacy (eg kids in house) only do short sessions of Affirmation. But when there is lots of privacy some Princesses have him Affirmed often and often for many hours. Of course for very long sessions he won't be erect most of the time.

Given that couples over 60 are more likely to spend more time alone together, it's not surprising that it's the over 60's who are most likely to have Affirmation often and for longer.

The Princess touching him is fairly common for short sessions. But if she has him Affirmed all evening then of course most of the time will be engaging in normal activities. She will at times forget that he is nude, but her Knight is likely to retain awareness.

For a Knight the most memorable times Reveal is said are in the early days of Affirmation and when it is unexpected.

Forum members who browse through the years of posts will find Affirmation mentioned many times.
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