What can 'much more sexual activity' look like?

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What can 'much more sexual activity' look like?

Postby Devotional Sex » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:55 am

One of the big benefits of Devotional Sex is that it leads to much more sexual activity.

For her this is wonderful because what happens is what she wishes to happen. She can reach her orgasmic potential whilst also enjoying much better sex (ie what happens before an orgasm) and increased intimacy and connection with her partner.

Some men will wonder why any man would choose to have far fewer ejaculations, and willing give her control over what sexual activity happens and when. Where is the benefit for him? A Knight also enjoys the increased intimacy and connection, but another huge benefit for any man who enjoys sexual activity is the big increase in the amount of activity.

My What Happens in Bed when Living Devotional Sex survey tells me what 'much more sexual activity' is for those who respond. I don't get many survey responses these days (as DevS is very hard to publicise), so it is special when I do get a response. This is what I received yesterday.

The survey asks what the couples does during the seven wakeups and seven bedtimes of an average DevS week. One option is nothing, another is just a cuddle, and then there are a range of sexual options to choose from.

Before reading on, think of how you would answer such a survey for your average week?

The latest response is from a couple where he is between 38 to 47. In their average DevS week they have:

4 sessions which includes Joy (intercourse) and maybe has lots of other activities as well. (None of their other sessions include Joy.)
3 sessions of mainly a Pleasure Kiss (him giving her oral sex)
3 sessions of mainly Pleasure Play (he uses his hand on her sex)
2 sessions of mainly her having him play with himself
1 session of her actively playing with his Desire (she plays with him), and
1 session of just a Devotional Cuddle (a cuddle where she holds his erection).

In an average week of DevS she orgasms about 8 to 9 times a week.
As her Knight he only ejaculates about every 21 days or longer.

This couple is more active than most couples who practice DevS. But for a couple who are more active than most, their response isn't unusual, other than that they have a session which include Joy a bit more often than most.

As with almost all DevS couples, most sessions of activity don't include Joy. And it's possible that with those sessions which do include Joy that Joy was only a small part of the total activity of that session. So the majority of activity could have been Pleasure Kissing or Pleasure Play.

I don't know any more about this couple than what is said above. But from other surveys I know that this couple may have been living DevS for many years. And from other surveys I know that both she and him are very likely to either be very or extremely happy with practicing DevS. So this is wonderful for him as well as for her.

Is there any other sexual technique where this amount of sexual activity is typical for the 20% or so most activity couples?

I welcome any comments or questions.

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