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New Pages & Major Updates 2008

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4 November: Chapter 9: Desire Play  cf  Devotional Cuddle  cf  Calm-Down Cuddle - This page summarizes the differences between these three activities, and shows how one may flow into another.

3 November: Chapter 1: Common Female Concerns: Equality is important to me, and this is not equal - I have updated this page.

22 October: Chapter 8: Getting Started Games and Exercises: A Taste of Tao for a Single Man: The full joy of Devotional Tao can only be appreciated once the multi-orgasmic man technique has been learned and the man has become used to not ejaculating most times he has sex. But a single man who is sleeping alone can do this exercise which provides a taste of some of these benefits. All he needs is some time and a little self control.

22 October: Chapter 8:Getting Started Games and Exercises: Sex as Relief for a Man: This exercise is a preliminary to the Taste of Tao exercise. It demonstrates how sex and not ejaculating feel when the opposite of Tao and Tantra are applied.

4 October: Chapter 5: Princess Power: The Main Page for this chapter is complete (at last!), but most of the lower level pages still need to be written.

29 September: Chapter 1: Outline of Devotional Sex: Revised and expanded this section. It now also gives the reader a guide to what is in each chapter. As this page became too large I have split it into two pages.

26 September: Chapter 9: Living Devotional Sex: The Ritual Command; This command, which enables a Princess to enjoy receiving oral sex whenever, and for as long as, she wishes, has been revised and expanded. There are now 20 lower level pages.

September: Chapter 14: BDSM and Devotional Sex: Lots of work on this chapter, with many new pages.

12 September: Chapter 9: Living Devotional Sex: The main page for this chapter has been completed. All the lower level pages are now published, though many are still `yet to be written´. This chapter includes the new concept of Recurring Bliss.
3 September: Created a Facebook group about Devotional Sex. (This page was deleted by Facebook in December 2010.)

28 August: Chapter 9: Basic Commands: The Prepare command: This command enables a Princess to have her Knight prepare a room as she likes it (eg "prepare the bedroom").
28 August: Chapter 15: Story - Jane and John: A weekend's self-imposed ejaculation denial: In this story John has read about Devotional Sex, and decides to try enjoying a sexy weekend with his partner Jane - all without him ejaculating until Sunday night. They both find that the ejaculation denial brings some big benefits and a few surprises. But they also discover that ejaculation denial without the calming effect of Devotional Tao and Princess Power has its problems.

25 July: Chapter 15: Real-Life Experiences and Stories: The whole chapter has been updated and reorganized. Many `yet to be written´ stories are now included. The most clicked story will get written first (and any story that never gets clicked will probably never get written).
There is also a brand new page of brief feedback about the site.
17 July: Chapter 2: Vanilla Sex: My definition of Vanilla Sex: My definition is different from that usually used. This section presents my definition, contrasts this with the common definitions, and says why I expanded the common definition.
11 July: Chapter 14: BDSM and Devotional Sex: The main page for this chapter has been completed, with links to all the lower level pages. This gives the reader a good idea of what will be included in this chapter. Most of the lower level pages are "not yet written". The pages I will write next in this chapter will be the lower level pages which are looked at the most.
8 July: Chapter 9: LIving as Devotees: Other commands: The list of other commands is now published. The page for each other command is also published, but are still "yet to be written".
5 July: Chapter 2: Vanilla Sex: Sleeping nude as shown in film and TV. Film and TV presents a very chaste view of the world almost every time they show a character in the bedroom.

16 June: Chapter 6: Devotional Sex: Why definitions are important: A page on why the definitions are important that somehow spends most of its time talking about apple pie.
15 June: Chapter 2: Vanilla Sex: Vanilla attitudes towards sex & Vanilla sexual activities: These two pages are now complete. They give a brief overview of what will be included in the detailed pages further down.

May: The Main Pages of each chapter are progressively being completed. Each completed Main Page gives a much better idea of what will be included in that chapter. All the pages one level down from these completed Main Pages now exist, though many of them are "yet to be written".
My site statistics tell me which pages are viewed. So if you click on a page which is "not yet written" this will tell me that someone is interested in that page. The most visited, not yet written pages, will be what I write next.
The chapters with completed Main Pages are: 1: Introduction,   2: Vanilla Sex,   3: Devotional Tao - the Multi-Orgasmic Man,  4: Devotional Tantra   6:Devotional Sex    7: Tantric Devotion - a Spiritual View,   8: Getting Started,   10: Problems and Difficulties,   12: Other People, and  13: Enhancements.
27 May: Chapter 6: Devotional Friends: No Joy is not being prudish. Devotional Friends never go as far as Joy (intercourse). Rather than this being prudish or conservative, it enables more activities to be enjoyed with more friends.
25 May: Chapter 7: Tantric Devotion: The history of us and the universe. This time-line shows the history of us and the universe - from the creation of space and time up until the present day. It is still very incomplete, but some readers may be interested to see this early version.
23 May: Chapter 15: Real life experiences and stories: Tracey and Michael: A real-life story of Michael giving his Devotional Friend, Tracey, a foot massage and a Foot Kiss. This new real-life story is now on-line.
22 May: Chapter 5: Princess Power: An example of how Devotional Sex is consensual: A Knight being told by his Princess to Reveal in front of another women provides an interesting case study.
4 May: Chapter 1: Exploring this site: This site looks better on browsers other than Internet Explorer. I recently discovered that this site is not displayed properly on Microsoft's Internet Explorer because Microsoft do not follow the appropriate standards. I strongly recommend that if you use Internet Explorer you change to a proper browser such as Firefox.

15 April: Getting Started: Devotional Friends: Overview for a Princess starting a Devotional Friendship.
12 April: `Nature´ color bars have been designed, with one for each chapter. All the photography is by MichaelK, and it was all taken within a short distance of my home. It will take some time to update all the pages on the site, but each chapter's color bar can now be seen on the Overview page.
3 April: Chapter 1: Introduction: Common Male Concerns: "I don't want to give up the pleasure of Climaxing".
3 April: Chapter 1: Introduction: The whole chapter has been restructured. Pages with lots of content have been split into two or more lower level pages so that there is now less information on each page (and many more pages).

22 March: Chapter 8: Getting Started: Your date has said he wants to use Devotional Sex: Wooing your partner - Wooing in Devotional Dating is when a new Princess decides to make progress much slower. 

25 February: Chapter 15: Emma's comments on Devotional Sex. Emma used Devotional Sex from the first date. These are her comments about Devotional Sex after living in a Devotional Relationship for two months.

24 January: Chapter 11: Rituals and Ceremonies:  The Knight clean-shaven pubic hair ritual - the private symbol of being a Knight. This new ritual is now on-line.
19 January: Chapter 9:  Basic Commands: The basic commands have been revised and expanded. The new commands are Later, More and No.
7 January: Chapter 9: Living as Devotees: Commands: The page on the Ritual command has been revised and expanded. There are also two new sub-pages.
3 January: References and Reviews: A new section listing references, and my reviews of these references once they are written.
3 January: Review - Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion   My review of this book.

To New Pages and Major Updates for 2007

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