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New Pages & Major Updates of 2010

Back to this year's New Pages & Major Updates
The site statistics for 2010 are presented in the history page of Chapter 1.

December 16: Susan plans, and then enjoys, a threesome with two men. I'm currently writing this fictional story. To find out more, and to perhaps provide input as to what could be included, see the posting on the Devotional Sex forum here.

December 16: Chapter 12 - Activities With Others - A couple with a Devotional Friend - A male Devotional Friend - Male-to-male activity - How a Knight feels about male-to-male activity: This page lists 9 ways a Knight might feel about engaging in sexual activity with another male. What happens in the story I'm currently writing (see above) will depend on how the two men in the story feel, and as this is Devotional Sex, it also depends on what the Princess decides within those things that both men are willing to do.

December 16: No more Devotional Sex Facebook Group: The Devotional Sex Facebook group (and the Michale Kay account which created this group) have both been killed by Facebook. I'm not sure why, as typing `Femdom´ into the Facebook search field finds many groups which if my group was to be killed, should not be allowed either. In situations such as this Facebook is a dictator - the old content is deleted, and there is not even any information provided as to why the account was killed.

December 8: I was asked a question about the frequency of ejaculation, male self-control, and male chastity devices. I answer this in my forum here. I welcome any further questions or discussion on the forum (but note that to prevent span you need to register before you can post).

November 23: Chapter 1: Introduction: I've added a counter showing how many unique visitors have viewed that page since November 23, 2010. The counter is in the middle of the page where I also added some new information about how many cities and countries have viewed the page.

October 17: References and Reviews: She Makes The Rules - My review of, and a link to, this site about female-led relationships.

October 12: Someone (not me!) added a link to this site to the Wikepedia article on female-led relationships (See So I'm now busy writing more about the differences and similarities between a FLR and Devotional Sex, and how Devotional Sex can be expanded to become a FLR.

September 25: Today this site reached 150,000 pageviews. Thanks for your support, and a special thanks to all those who have come back several times to explore this site further.

September 8: About the Author: The photo of yours truly has been updated. The old photo was several years old and I thought it was time for something new.

July 2: Chapter 15: Tracey and Michael - The second Reveal and some sensual foot play - In this real-life story Tracey once again has a naked Michael give her a foot massage. But this time she keeps Michael aroused for the whole session. Not only is this lots of fun, but it has the power of a Tantric ceremony

April 14: Chatter 11: The Knight with clean-shaven pubic hair - the private symbol of being a Knight. I have revised and updated this page.

April 12: Chapter 1: The Devotee Ring - the public symbol of being a Devotee. I have updated this page.

April 11: Today this site reached 100,000 pageviews. Because the site is still a work in progress (with many pages still to be written), I've not spent much time trying to attract readers. So I'm very pleased that without publicity the site is being viewed.

9 April: Chapter 15: Real-life stores and experiences: The Blog of Ada and Michael - The entries for our second and fourth dates have been expanded.

5 April: The Devotional Sex Forum: I have created a forum on this site for the discussion of Devotional Sex. This is also a great place to ask questions. Anyone can read the forum, but you need to register to be able to post. Please read the Forum Rules and Introduction before joining.

Setting up the forum is fairly complex, and I may have made a mistake or two. If you find something wrong, please contact me and let me know. I can't fix a fault unless I know about it!

As the forum is brand new, there are few members and few posts. Please show your support for the forum by becoming a member, and please help break the ice by posting a comment or a question.

27 March: Chapter 3: Devotional Tao - the multi-orgasmic man. The main page for this chapter has been rewritten and reorganized. There are many new lower level pages, and some of the old ones are in new places. Most of the lower level pages are still "not yet written". As always, the page I shall write next in this chapter will be the page which my site statistics tell me has had the most visits.

25 March: Today this site had its 20,000'th visitor.  So far 9,198 people have looked at more than one page during their visit, and 964 looked at twenty or more pages! The total time spent reading this site has reached 55 days and 4 hours. (Which is slightly more than the 52 days, 21 hours I have spent at the computer writing it.)

23 March: The Devotional Sex group on FetLife has now reached 200 members. FetLife is free to join and use, and you can join just to read and contribute to the Devotional Sex group. It would be great to see you there.

19 March: Chapter 12:
Activities with Other People: A new activity - Devotional Sex Orgies has been published. This is an orgy where the main focus is on connection. As every Knight must obey every Princess, each Princess can ensure that what happens with her is just as she wants. The lower level pages of this topic have also been written, though I may add more content to the lower level pages in the future.

15 February: Chapter 15: Real-life stories: Tracey and Michael - A foot massage and the first Reveal - Whilst staying fully dressed, Tracey enjoys having a naked and aroused man at her feet as he gives her a foot massage.

15 February: Chapter 15: Feedback - Added some new reader feedback. If you have some feedback about this site please send it to me and I'll add your comments.

14 February: Chapter 13: Enhancements: Female Led Relationship (FLR) - Ordinary Devotional Sex only gives a Princess power over sensual and sexual activities. With a FLR the woman has control over all aspects of the relationship. I have added a page, yet to be written, on FLR to explain further why a FLR and Devotional Sex are different, and also showing how couples who practice a FLR can include Devotional Sex.

14 February: Many thanks to a reader from the United Kingdom for making the second ever donation to this site. This site is free, and there is no advertising, so my only financial support comes from donations. If you enjoy this site and wish to encourage me to keep writing, please show your support by making a donation.

3 February: Chapter 15: The first two pages of a new story, Danika tricks David into a weekend's Devotional Sex, has been published. The rest of the story will be written soon if enough readers click the Continue to the next page of this story link at the bottom of the second page of the story.

30 January: Chapter 12: Activities with Other People: The overview page for Informal Fun with Friends has been published. The lower level pages are not yet written (but clicking on any of them tells me that there is some reader interest to write them soon). 

28 January: Chapter 6: Devotional Sex: A Supplicant Knight is a man who practices Devotional Sex with a partner who has not accepted the role of being his Princess. The main page for this new role is now published. The lower level pages are not yet written (but clicking on any of them tells me that there is some reader interest to write them soon).

24 January: Chapter 6: Devotional Sex: A Supplicant Knight: Wrote the outline of this new role. This outline was viewed 16 times before the main page was published (see above).

January: New Year Reviewing: I'm now busy reviewing and polishing the most read pages of this site. The changes are usually too minor to be regarded as major updates, so the modified pages are not listed here. Pages which have been reviewed this year will all show a 2010 date at the `last updated´ line at the top of the page.  

15 January:
Chapter 12: Activities with Other People: The overview page for A Couple with a Devotional Friend has been published. The lower level pages are not yet written (but clicking on any of them tells me that there is some reader interest to write them soon). 

10 January:
Chapter 12: Activities with Other People: The overview page for Knight Swapping and Lending has been published. The lower level pages are not yet written (but clicking on any of them tells me that there is some reader interest to write them soon). 

4 January: Chapter 1: The history of Devotional Sex. The 2009 site statistics have been added to the history page.

3 January: Chapter 12: Activities with Other People: The overview page for Being watched - putting on a Devotional Sex show has been published.
The lower level pages are not yet written (but clicking on any of them tells me that there is some reader interest to write them soon). 

Continue to  New Pages & Major Updates of 2009

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