Devotional Sex Title

The Princess

Her Managing His Ejaculations - Page 2

Page 1 looked at setting the base of how long she has him last before release at what he prefers; having a few times when he really wants release but she sets him the challenge of staying charged; and how she can managing his energy according to how she feels.

This page shows how Devotional Sex can work well when she takes more control and he doesn't always, or ever, get release at his preferred frequency.


Including lots of variation

Part of the fun, for both, of her having control over when he Climaxes is that if she often varies how long each Season lasts he never knows whether a session will end with her saying "Release" or "Fini".

So if his desired average is seven days, she can make the usual six to eight days, sometimes have a shorter Season of only four to five days or a longer Season of nine to ten days, and every once in a while surprise him with a Season lasting only one to three days or challenge him with a Season lasting eleven to fourteen days.

Note that for the average to remain seven days the number of days he gets release earlier than expected is matched by the number of days he has to last longer.

If she wishes she can set a Preference that her Knight must always remember how many days it has been since his last Climax.

She can then use the Wish Word "Days?" and he should be able to answer immediately.

One good thing about variation being normal is that it makes it easy for her to go to bed when his average time has arrived and decide not to do anything (other than cuddles) that night. Then, the next night, or the night after, when she feels like lots of activity he will be very eager and she can have him release at the end of that session.

One of the reasons that a Knight can't predict whether Joy, or her actively playing with him, or her having him energize himself, will end with her saying "Release" or "Fini" is that she may not have yet decided how the session will end.

And though she might have started the Session with the idea that she will have him release, at the last minute she can change her mind and decide to keep him charged up. Or she may have intended to keep him charged and at the last minute change her mind had have him release.

With her having so much freedom he will often be surprised by what his Princess finally decides.

Him not knowing whether or not he will Climax at the end of a Session has him always feeling that the Devotional Dynamic is very real.

This happens even when his Princess isn't thinking about how the Session might end. So her keeping him guessing about how long it will be until he Climaxes keeps him feeling hers without any effort by her.


Having a different average than his preference

Though his desired average is the starting point, this may be shorter or longer than she would like.

Him having given her control means that she can set a new average.

If she has him Climax far more often than is his preference then he won't build up as much energy as he enjoys - energy that is not only used to make sexual activity more intense and pleasurable but which also drives the intimacy and connection of Devotional Sex.

And if she has him Climax less often than is his preference then this can get to the point where he starts to feel less happy about being her Knight.

So a Princess needs to take into account the feelings of her Knight, and the new average may be a compromise which keeps them both happy.

My orgasm survey asked men doing Devotional Sex whether they would prefer to ejaculate much more often, a little more often, about the same, a little less often, or a lot less often than what his Princess has happen. And at the end of this survey I asked about their overall satisfaction with practicing Devotional Sex.

For those who would prefer to Climax much more often than happens, 91% were still extremely or very happy with doing Devotional Sex.  And 91% of those who would prefer to Climax much less often were also still extremely or very happy overall.

The survey also found that 30% of Princesses would prefer that their Knight Climax less often than happens. That she has him release earlier than she prefers proves that she is taking into account the feelings of her Knight and that she is compromising to keept them both happy.

Half of Princesses have him lasting for longer
For those Living Devotional Sex about 50% of couples have him wanting to Climax a bit or much more often than happens, and her either happy with how often he Climaxes or her preferring that he would last a bit longer.

Note that there is a different feel to the dynamic depending on whether he feels that the average is about right or he would prefer to Climax more often.

When he feels it is about right then she is really just managing his energy and it is easy for him to be her Knight.

But when she sets his average higher than he would prefer, though she is still managing the dynamic for mutual happiness, it is more challenging for him and he feels more in her hands.

This adds some intensity to the dynamic which, if you both enjoy this, works extremely well.

I feel sure that some of the Knight who say they would prefer to ejaculate more often than  happens very much enjoy the feeling that it is her control that is keeping him charged.

So if she sat him down and offered to have him Climax more often, rather than accepting this offer he would think about it, and admit to her (and to himself) that he would prefer things stay as they are.


Not letting him know her plans

I strongly recommend that, apart from a few exceptions, a Princess never tells her Knight her plans for when he will get release.

Telling him that she won't have him Climax until a future time
means that he stops wondering whether or not each session before then will end with his release or not. It also either takes away her freedom to change her mind or, if she has him release at a different time leaves him doubting that she will stick to her word.

So, apart from the exceptions, Devotional Sex works best when she never tells him what will or won't happen.

But she can enjoy saying what MIGHT happen.

This allows her to talk about things she probably won't do but leave him wondering whether or not this will happen. And if it is something that she thinks she is very likely to do, if she changes her mind then as she have never said that it will happen she has kept her word.


There may be times when letting him know about when he will or won't get release will have her feeling more in control. This different dynamic can be powerful and fun for both.

For example:


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Page last updated: 1 October '18
Copyright © MichaelK 2018